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YP Exclusive: Soundboard Live VIP Experience
YP Exclusive: Soundboard Live VIP Experience
June 14, 2024
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
Event Description:
As part of the ongoing partnership between YPWC and Honeywell Arts & Entertainment, members of YPWC are invited to attend an EXCLUSIVE VIP Suite experience for the Honeywell Arts Academy's Soundboard Live performance.
In addition to complimentary tickets for the performance, this VIP experience also includes:
- Suite Level Access before and during the performance with access to a private bar
- Complimentary popcorn
- Invitation to attend the reception in the Parkview Ballroom immediately following the show
- Suite Level Access before and during the performance with access to a private bar
- Complimentary popcorn
- Invitation to attend the reception in the Parkview Ballroom immediately following the show
Complimentary tickets can ONLY be picked up at the Grow Wabash County office, 214 S Wabash Street in Wabash. They will be given on a first come, first serve basis to young professionals as tickets are limited.
***There will no YP tickets available at the door, tickets must be picked up prior to Friday, June 14.**