GrowthZone Template

Grow Wabash County Micro Loan Fund

Grow Wabash County will be offering Micro loans with the intention of expediting the review process for loan requests on a scale between $500 - $5,000. Loan requests for over $5,000 will be available as well, but will be subject to additional terms and requirements through our traditional revolving loan fund program. Due to limited funding available, we will select businesses that we feel will most benefit from this funding.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer
Business Owner Name
Additional Business Owners
Business Address
Business Mailing Address
Industry Type *
Check all that apply
Number of Employees
If you are interested in a loan exceeding $5,000, indicate here and a Grow Wabash County team member will contact you directly.
I give permission for Grow Wabash County to run a credit check. *
I am willing to sign an affidavit, saying that I am current with all taxes. *
(To Whom Owed, Original Amount and Date, Present Balance, Term of Loan, Interest Rate, Monthly Payments etc..) Use N/A if none.
Are you a Grow Wabash County Investor/Member? *