GrowthZone Template

Workforce Scholarship Application 2025

Please fill out the application below as completely as possible.

We would like to thank the Community Foundation of Wabash County and the Don Wood Foundation as well as many other generous partners for making this scholarship program possible.

For a full list of upcoming training opportunities taking place in Wabash County, visit
Applicant Information
Do you live in Wabash County?* *
Do you work in Wabash County? *
Are you over 18 years of age? *
Are you eligible to work in the US?
Number of members living in Household
Identify the number of people living in your household including any residents temporarily away from the surveyed family (e.g. college students, persons on extended vacation, etc.)
Below Above
1 person | $44,200
2 people | $50,500
3 people | $56,800
4 people | $63,100
5 people | $68,150
6 people | $73,200
7 people | $78,200
8+ people | $83,300
Find the number of household members and the dollar figure that is next to it. Is the employee's family gross yearly income above or below this figure? Your figure should include anyone who contributes their income to the family. If gross annual household income is above, check "above". If it is below, check "below". 1. Income is determined by computing the total income of all family members for the last three (3) months and then multiplying that number by four (4), including persons temporarily away from the family/house. Note: Income is not limited to salaries, wages, and tips. All other forms of income as specified by the Internal Revenue Service should be included (e.g. payments received from social security, pensions, annuities, dividends, taxable interest income, tax exempt interest income, IRA distributions, etc.)
What is your employment status?
If your company is sponsoring you to attend program please include your supervisors information.
If your company is sponsoring you to attend program please include your supervisors information.
Will completing training / receiving a certification result in a promotion, pay increase, etc. at your current employer?
What is your level of education?
Which program are you interested in receiving a scholarship for?
How did you hear about this program?
A Grow Wabash County team member will be in touch once you submit your application.
If you have any questions contact Chelsea at or via phone at 260-563-5258.